Swim Clear Cartridge Filter by Hayward
Swim Clear Cartridge Filter by Hayward
Cleans your pool without back washing, cleans to a lower micron - much cleaner water than a traditional sand filter and will save you money!
- Info
Swim Clear Cartridge Filters by Hayward is a more eco friendley way to clean your pool. The pool water is not backwashed into your neighbors yard or onto the street there is no! backwash. The filters can be cleaned by rinsing off with a garden hose. You will also save money in chemicals that add up every season by not having to continuely backwashing. not to metion not having to use a muitiport valve will save you in electrical aswell. Plus probably the best feature your cartridge filter will filter to a much lower micron than a sandfilter would getting you some of the cleanest water possible, because in the end thats what a filter is all about.